2018 Go The Distance Reports

Swimmers who have achieved the 1000 miles milestone (25):

Date   Swimmer                          Age  Club
04/27  Doug Allen                       M59  DADS
05/11  John Kuzmkowski                  M64  UC11
07/29  Chris C Greene                   M56  GAJA
08/22  Sandra Frimerman-Bergquist       F35   PBM
08/24  Brian J McLaughlin               M63   NEM
08/31  Melodee A Liegl                  F51  WISC
09/22  Carol L Schemanske               F65  MICH
10/15  Andy Seretan                     M65   MVN
10/22  Ellen M Reynolds                 F54   TRB
10/23  Harriet M Wall                   F76  MICH
10/24  Thomas L Schwartz                M58 SHARK
11/02  Andrew F Schaefer                M35  BUMS
11/03  Mark E Robarge                   M31  FWYS
11/10  Karen Zemlin                     F51  MINN
11/20  Matthew Bronson                  M53    KM
11/23  Dana M Goduto                    F54  ARIZ
11/24  Pat Eddy                         M62  GAJA
11/30  Charlotte J Brynn                F52   NEM
12/10  Eve Maidenberg                   F42  AGUA
12/14  Suzy Jajewski                    F43  OREG
12/16  Eric Schall                      M57   WBP
12/19  Stephen T Rouch                  M38  INDY
12/23  Carl W Rieger                    M62  UC33
12/26  Patricia J Funk                  F68  SWAG
12/29  Mary Stella                      F42   WBP

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