2018 Go The Distance Reports

Swimmers who have achieved the 400 miles milestone (371):

Date   Swimmer                          Age  Club
02/14  John Kuzmkowski                  M64  UC11
02/16  Doug Allen                       M59  DADS
03/20  Chris C Greene                   M56  GAJA
03/27  Melodee A Liegl                  F51  WISC
04/04  Sandra Frimerman-Bergquist       F35   PBM
04/08  Carol L Schemanske               F65  MICH
04/14  Thomas L Schwartz                M58 SHARK
04/17  Brian J McLaughlin               M63   NEM
04/21  Mark E Robarge                   M31  FWYS
04/21  Karen Zemlin                     F51  MINN
04/24  Harriet M Wall                   F76  MICH
04/26  Andy Seretan                     M65   MVN
04/28  Ellen M Reynolds                 F54   TRB
05/01  Susan H Preston                  F56   SMM
05/07  Dana M Goduto                    F54  ARIZ
05/07  Andrew F Schaefer                M35  BUMS
05/08  Matthew Bronson                  M53    KM
05/15  Suzy Jajewski                    F43  OREG
05/17  Eve Maidenberg                   F42  AGUA
05/22  Melinda J Menzer                 F49    GS
05/27  Eric Schall                      M57   WBP
05/27  John V Zeigler                   M73  GAJA
05/31  Charlotte J Brynn                F52   NEM
05/31  Mary Stella                      F42   WBP
06/02  Judy F Caves                     F58  UC11
06/04  Kris H Rutford                   M59  UC29
06/06  Chip Glidden                     M68  MOVY
06/07  Carl W Rieger                    M62  UC33
06/10  Lauren Brinkmeyer                F34   MAM
06/11  Stephen T Rouch                  M38  INDY
06/11  Michael W Rourke                 M27  MOST
06/13  Lynn Ascione                     F51  WISC
06/15  Patricia J Funk                  F68  SWAG
06/15  Charles Herrick                  M58  CONN
06/17  Chuck Beatty                     M59  O*H*
06/19  Jim Mc Conica                    M68   VCM
06/20  Dongho Choi                      M53   JAM
06/20  Joan P Craffey                   F65   PBM
06/20  William Reeves                   M65  SALT
06/21  Utley Noble                      M55  LTMT
06/21  Cary M Thompson                  M53  OREG
06/23  Ingrid Bon                       F48  UC50
06/23  William L Specht                 M60   SPM
06/25  Richard C Callaghan              M56  JACM
06/25  Randy J Schlichting              M53  MINN
06/26  Janice Burton                    F55  UC09
06/26  Patricia D Knowles               F47  CRUZ
06/26  Heidi L Loecke                   F47  MOVY
06/26  Molly C Nance                    F53  LMAO
06/27  Lexie Kelly                      F32  UC33
06/27  James Proffitt                   M53  PSMS
06/29  Janine Serell                    F57    GS
06/30  Sandra L Carosi                  F52   GSM
06/30  Pat Eddy                         M62  GAJA
06/30  Melissa Massey                   F37  GAJA
07/01  Roberta F Green                  F63  UC12
07/03  Jodi L Barrish                   F47   JAM
07/03  Dana Page                        F57  UC10
07/03  Paula J Yankauskas               F64   NEM
07/04  Tom Morrisey                     M55  UC08
07/05  Sue Phillips                     F54  OREG
07/08  Anicia Criscione                 F45  OREG
07/08  Nancy M Tunstall                 F56   NEM
07/10  Mark S Rubacky                   M49  NCMS
07/10  Stephen P Stedry                 M67  ROSE
07/13  Arnold Caylor                    M65  ATMS
07/13  Karlene Denby                    F65  COOG
07/13  Darcy H LaFountain               F63  SFTL
07/13  Jack C Lee                       M60  TXLA
07/13  Kimberly A Plewa                 F35  JACM
07/15  Adam Trexler                     M40  OREG
07/17  Joe Aumiller                     M61  MICH
07/17  Barbara A McNulty                F61  HDMS
07/17  Tracy Sellard                    F54  UC32
07/18  Lynn V Kubasek                   F60  NOVA
07/18  Todd A Marshall                  M53   THT
07/18  Megan Tosh                       F33  OREG
07/19  Mary E Holman                    F32  RMRM
07/19  Maribeth A Wood                  F40  1776
07/21  Abigail A Fairman                F41  SERC
07/21  Sara E Holman                    F32  RMRM
07/22  Andreas Seibt                    M60    IM
07/24  Maximiliano C Mehech             M57  UC38
07/25  Ron Emhoff                       M63   PSM
07/26  Mike Bennett                     M62  UC28
07/28  James L Purdie                   M66   NAM
07/28  Ann Wilson                       F43   QSS
07/30  Brooke J Bowman                  F51   SPM
07/30  Steve Campbell                   M70  UC32
07/30  Cheryl A Daly                    F46  MESC
07/31  Mike Casper                      M76  GSMS
07/31  Karen L Einsidler                F62 SHARK
07/31  Bridgette A Hobart               F56  UC07
07/31  Debra L Orringer                 F46  T2NM
07/31  Pete Pultz                       M55  MICH
08/02  Bill Ireland                     M59  SCAQ
08/02  Paul (Tank) McNamara             M55  OREG
08/02  Bob B Upshaw                     M69   WCM
08/03  Lauren Grous                     F34 SSSMS
08/03  George C Villarreal              M47   SKY
08/04  Dennis Bennett                   M52  IAMA
08/04  James Carty                      M58  DSMY
08/04  David A Radcliff                 M84  OREG
08/05  Rick Gould                       M50  STAN
08/06  Brian Bergford                   M36  RMRM
08/06  Kathryn Froehlich                F56    IM
08/07  David Mikels                     M49    O2
08/07  Jamie Rennick                    F33  COWS
08/09  Kristi Lee                       F43  SAWS
08/10  Robin Batchelor                  F61  KOWS
08/11  Keith A McCain                   M53   LSM
08/11  Hope Mao Oehler                  F52  MARY
08/11  Keone Weigl                      F56  YCNY
08/12  Patrick Allender                 M60  OREG
08/12  Adam J Frantz                    M38  UC16
08/13  Peter D Langham                  M67   GSM
08/13  David H Lindsey                  M68  MOVY
08/14  Mark Belnap                      M49 SDMST
08/14  Paula R Miller                   F46   FCR
08/15  Adam D Johnson                   M31  TXLA
08/15  Kevin Waterson                   M39   DAM
08/16  Nathan Ascher                    M47  SDSM
08/16  Kurt Dickson                     M51   GRA
08/17  Deanna L Johnson                 F62   DAM
08/18  Stacey E Ellison                 F53   MAQ
08/18  Alex Goldstein                   M50   PSM
08/19  Tom Hintz                        M52   THT
08/19  Patricia S Saint Aubin           F60   NEM
08/20  James M Green                    M74  NCMS
08/20  Pat Lee                          M47  TCAS
08/20  Kathi S Lucas                    F65   MVM
08/20  Sian Pearson                     F28   MVN
08/21  Kevin W Drake                    M62  NWAM
08/21  Larry B Krauser                  M65   SCM
08/22  KENT W SMALL                     M62  NOVA
08/23  Pascal Borderies                 M59  CHEL
08/25  Sue K Frehse                     F48  SLOW
08/25  Shirley A Loftus-Charley         F67  CM-Y
08/25  Sam McNair                       M56    SM
08/27  Andrew Peppercorn                M41  NCMS
08/28  Maxwell Adams                    M49   FCR
08/28  Cheryl Murray                    F66  NCMS
08/28  Robert M Perkins                 M52  SCYM
08/29  Chris S Bond                     M51   MAM
08/29  Margaret C Haskins               F60   NEM
08/29  Stan LeMaster                    M71  IAMA
08/29  David G Matthews                 M55   WCM
08/29  Serafina Sumargo                 F38  CONN
08/30  Tina L Nuckles                   F53  UC23
08/31  Mike Broglio                     M47   NEM
08/31  Ray Essick                       M59  UC21
08/31  Eric Hatch                       M44   SNM
08/31  Sally J Marshall                 F69  UC38
09/01  Allison L Jinks                  F35  UC15
09/03  Linda J Simons                   F53   GRA
09/04  Richard Bober                    M67  NCMS
09/04  David H Hill                     M37  SDSM
09/06  Mary E Titcomb                   F65  UC16
09/08  Kathy Garnier                    F58  RMRM
09/09  Jennifer L Bauman                F46  JACM
09/10  Michael F Boyle                  M67  GERM
09/10  Bruce D Friedman                 M66  BGWM
09/12  Cynthia A Needham                F70   NEM
09/12  Janet K Renner                   F57  MELO
09/12  Jim Sauer                        M61  UC43
09/13  Jeffrey Boatright                M65 SHARK
09/13  Kathy Pelham                     F45   PSM
09/14  Katy C Lantz                     F65   DAM
09/15  Mark Frazier                     M59  VACA
09/15  Thomas B Herrick                 M59  MOVY
09/15  Stephen J Langendorfer           M68  BGSC
09/15  Stephanie Lemmons                F27  GAJA
09/15  Jens Volker                      M53  SCYM
09/16  Jason A Campbell                 M45  O*H*
09/16  Veronica Flanagan                F41  CRUZ
09/17  Robert E Breitel                 M51 FINSP
09/17  Kent M Price                     M80  STAN
09/18  Scott P Halliburton              M56  NWAM
09/18  Larry Marshall                   M67  MICH
09/18  David P Traver                   M59   SMM
09/18  Robert A Webber                  M62  YCNY
09/19  Caitlyn A Ramsey                 F50  UC10
09/20  Jack H Sorg                      M62   MVM
09/21  Michael R Bullock                M72  SDSM
09/21  Dale S Dolan                     M47  KMAN
09/21  Timothy W Murphy                 M49   CTS
09/21  Douglas Templeton                M64  MICH
09/22  Jim Clemmons                     M68  SAWS
09/24  Carol Bossert-Hartman            F58   SFY
09/24  Beccah D Rothschild              F45   MAM
09/24  Marianne Thomas                  F55  UC43
09/26  Michael R Thomas                 M26   MVM
09/27  Kelly L Kozar                    F47  UC39
09/28  Valerie J Armento                F67  UC38
09/28  Erin M Cavender                  F24  OREG
09/28  Maddie Diedo                     F60  MICH
09/28  Emily Finanger                   F39  UC25
09/28  Kristianne Hinkamp               F59   LSM
09/28  Cindy Watson                     F52  KMAN
09/29  Wendy VanDeSompele               F52   PSM
09/30  Paul D Kissinger                 M55  HAFL
09/30  Michael D Miller                 M52  MINN
09/30  Stephen L Morris                 M67  UC26
10/01  Mark T Corl                      M59   JAM
10/01  Don Tatzin                       M66   OAK
10/02  Robert J Barrish                 M50   JAM
10/02  Daniel M Ritt                    M64  UC32
10/02  Mary Anne Savage                 F58  NCMS
10/02  Kevin S Shea                     M61  UC04
10/03  Michael Dean                     M57  UC14
10/03  Matthew Murphy                   M56  GCST
10/04  Tim B Lundt                      M57  UC32
10/04  Ken Niemi                        M63  SCYM
10/05  Michael B Doyle                  M54   LSM
10/05  Kathleen Lewis                   F66  TPIT
10/05  Rosemary E Merkel                F35  UC08
10/05  Robert B Richardson              M66  OREG
10/05  Nikki Takarabe                   F52   CTM
10/05  Larry Van Horn                   M64  UC07
10/07  Marianne Countryman              F54  GAJA
10/08  Becky Hunnewell                  F38   NEM
10/08  Michele Intermont                F51  UC19
10/09  Lisa A Flanagan                  F56   SPM
10/09  Jennipher M Scoggins             F45  GCPS
10/09  Niki F Stokols                   F61  CVMM
10/10  Charles Gainer                   M62  UC15
10/10  Kenneth S Rugh                   M70  MOST
10/11  Irene Fisher                     F73   MAY
10/12  Anne Marie Gladding              F50  MICH
10/13  Sean Bateman                     M49  PAC1
10/13  Jennifer Downing                 F40   NEM
10/13  Lynda H Przedpelski              F54  SCYM
10/13  Ricardo Valdivia                 M54   PBM
10/15  Kip Bohachek                     M64  UC17
10/15  John S Spicer                    M57   SDS
10/15  Jill M Wright                    F67  SAWS
10/16  Michael J Blatt                  M63   VCM
10/16  Charles G Mackall                M83  UC12
10/17  Stephen Addcox                   M36  GAJA
10/17  John J Goode                     M51  GOOG
10/17  Mark A Hartmann                  M52  WMAC
10/18  Malena B Hankins                 F45  GAJA
10/18  Daniel M Moran                   M36   NEM
10/18  Ramon R Plowden                  M47  GAJA
10/22  Nancy S Chennell                 F63 OSIDE
10/22  Livia L Zien                     F52   SPM
10/23  Stephen Sponagle                 M63  NOVA
10/23  Charley C Young                  F31  PORT
10/24  Jo-Ann Berry                     F62   PBM
10/24  Calvin Schildknecht              M33   LRM
10/25  Paula M Cunio                    F57  FACT
10/25  Jenny Ferries                    F37   PSM
10/25  Elizabeth A Harrison             F44  UC37
10/25  Reynard J Morrell                M64  UC07
10/25  Glenn Piner                      M49  RMDA
10/26  Jacquie Anderson                 F82  KMAN
10/26  Alana M Aubin                    F28   NEM
10/26  John W Hackett                   M68    IM
10/27  Julie Brown                      F43  LAPS
10/27  Bob Burrow                       M55  OREG
10/27  Sandra A Shrader                 F54  MMAC
10/28  Amy Krauss Mead                  F51  MINN
10/29  Kathryn Vandam                   F33  MINN
10/30  Bill S Korey                     M55  GOLD
10/30  Donna Schubkegel                 F66   CTS
10/30  Rosanna D Sikora                 F63  TPIT
10/31  Bill Evans                       M68  GCPS
10/31  JoAnn Fuller                     F76   CAM
10/31  Lisa L Watson                    F64  GAJA
11/01  Elaine K Howley                  F41   NEM
11/02  Daniel P O'Kane                  M38  MINN
11/02  Stephen T O'Neill                M61  UC48
11/02  Lauren M Van Allen               F38   LSM
11/03  Zahava Lipton                    F32  CBRY
11/03  Heidi Williams                   F49  NCMS
11/04  Anne M Scott                     F50  NMMS
11/05  James Ryan                       M66  SCYM
11/06  Paul F Bousel                    M65  UC10
11/06  Ross G Simmons                   M55  SOWS
11/07  Peggy Kratz                      F58  MINN
11/08  Guy Davis                        M59   GBM
11/09  James T Devere                   M46  TCAS
11/09  Ralph Mohr                       M77  OREG
11/09  William Sulik                    M59  UC10
11/15  Jules DeGiulio                   M66  OREG
11/16  Paul J Anderson                  M61  UC12
11/16  Barry A Fasbender                M81  OREG
11/16  Bill Lotz                        M69  GAJA
11/16  Sue N Watts                      F64 SHARK
11/19  Holly A Donnelly                 F46  ANCM
11/19  Sarah S Sangree                  F61   GSM
11/20  David Kough                      M55  MOVY
11/21  Stan Cox                         M63  NCMS
11/21  Hal M Ide                        M64  UC40
11/21  Mark A Knox                      M63  UC25
11/24  James N Stambolis                M71   TAM
11/26  Randal Ness                      M56  MINN
11/27  Steven C Clancy                  M63  MACA
11/27  Toni S Hecksel                   F52  OREG
11/28  Ray Bruce                        M53  MOST
11/28  Mary A DeLong                    F52  RMRM
11/28  Daniel H Jenkins III             M74   CAM
11/28  Donna L Taylor                   F60  UC39
11/29  Gina Russell                     F55  UC13
11/30  Susan Cushman                    F56   LVM
11/30  Marta A Elliott                  F65  SFGG
11/30  Gary W Kovacs                    M38  MINN
11/30  Doug G McLearn                   M49   L4S
12/01  Jim Murphy                       M58   CMS
12/01  Dale D Sulzle                    M57  MINN
12/01  Stephen Washburn                 M60   ALB
12/03  Hal L Gilreath                   M56   JWS
12/03  Jean M Hofmann                   F61  ARIZ
12/03  Kyle F Hoskins                   M50  UC16
12/04  Christophe M Crombez             M51  TSUN
12/04  Jane Y Ikeda                     F57  SCYM
12/05  Dale A LeClair                   F49   PBM
12/06  Kathy Gill                       F64   DAM
12/07  Larry T Harper                   M64  RMRM
12/07  Jeff R Tusant                    M47  UC15
12/07  Kendra E Wilson                  F37  NASH
12/08  Steve M Conover                  M69  UC17
12/08  Catherine D de Groot-Hedlin      F58  WIND
12/10  Kelly T Carlin                   M56  HUMB
12/10  Sharon Danzger                   F53   PBM
12/10  Melanie T Mumbauer               F66  PSCM
12/11  Anna M Catanese                  F52  GAJA
12/11  Juliet E Cox                     F50   MAM
12/12  Mimi C Satter                    F68  YCNY
12/12  Peter B Turner                   M59  SPCO
12/12  Allison M Urvan                  F42  UC25
12/13  Cheryl B Hubbard                 F51   NBM
12/13  Craig A Shaffer                  M72  ARIZ
12/14  william Siderys                  M57  INDY
12/14  Joe Wickline                     M61    O2
12/15  Pamela Kalas                     F42  UC36
12/15  Michelle Moyer                   F56   GBM
12/15  SONNY NGUYEN                     M39  NCMS
12/15  Robin Walker                     F63  INDY
12/15  Patrice K Zalesky                F59  OMAH
12/17  Bruce W Rollins                  M69  UC25
12/19  Jean M Gallagher                 F60  UC44
12/20  Kate Beard-Tisdale               F65  MESC
12/20  Phyllis E Quinn                  F63   TOC
12/21  John Chalmers                    M55  OREG
12/21  Peter B Lofquist                 M57  UC48
12/21  Christopher W Stevens            M57  MARY
12/22  Donald D Gornto                  M47  SPCO
12/24  Peggy H McDonnell                F63  GOLD
12/24  Tod A Pickett                    M57  HTUB
12/26  Erin C Framke                    F45   CMS
12/26  Deborah L Nichols                F63  SWYM
12/27  Curt Martin                      M51  MICH
12/27  Pamela T Shepard                 F53  1776
12/27  Lin Zucconi                      F67  UC38
12/28  Fred C Baird                     M70  UTAH
12/28  Richard G Freeman                M60   MVM
12/28  William Friend                   M39  UC12
12/28  Peter J Gerngross                M49  UC25
12/28  Frank McElroy                    M70   GSM
12/28  AnnMarie Morrisseau              F50  T2NM
12/29  John Copeland                    M37  UC21
12/29  Suzanne R Dodd                   F57   CTM
12/29  Peter Shearer                    M58  NCMS
12/30  Caitlin L Clark                  F41  UC25
12/30  Patrick J Lee                    M38  UC12
12/31  Jeffrey Cahill                   M61  T2NM
12/31  Gerry Chojnowski                 M69 SWHYM
12/31  Richard Correa                   M60  OMAH
12/31  Martin R Hahm                    M77  WISC
12/31  Dorothy Mullaney                 F60   NEM

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