1998 USMS Convention

USMS National Office Reports


The USMS National Office is the contact point for Masters swimming in the United States and abroad. And let me tell you, there are a lot of people out there who contact me either by phone, fax, mail or e-mail.

On an average day I will receive approximately 8-12 phone calls, 1-2 faxes, 5-10 pieces of mail and 25-40 e-mails. The major reasons for contacting the National Office are: how to register with USMS, how to start a Masters program, would like to order a publication, need a contact person in their area, or looking for a place to swim in their area or when traveling. Other reasons include: where and when are meets, qualifying times for Nationals, meet results, address change, lost card, insurance information, tax exempt information, and how to transfer teams. If I don't know the answer, I refer them to someone who will. Thank you all for your expertise and assistance.

The National Office is responsible for a number of projects throughout the year. It all starts right after convention with the LMSC Handbook and the update and coordination of all the chapters. Again I would like to thank all the USMS volunteers who assist me with this. The goal is to get it to LMSCs before the new year. I also work with the Rule Book Committee, the National Registrars and Gateway Printing in getting the Rule Books out to the LMSCs before their first meet of the new year.

The USMS Directory, News You Can Use, All American, All Star and National Record Certificates, Coaches Manual and this Convention Packet are all created here at the National Office. I also assist many of the members of the USMS Board of Directors in a number of projects including: the review of Top Ten and SWIM Magazine drafts, Top Ten, All American and All Star selections, maintenance of the LMSC Officer and Places to Swim database, Rule Book Sponsors and various correspondence.

The National Office is definitely a pretty busy place and I am very happy to be here.


The National Registrar maintains the national database of swimmers and clubs, based on monthly transmittals of information form 53 local registrars, address changes received from SWIM Magazine (2,300 so far this year), and calls and letters from individual swimmers. 1998 will be the best year ever for USMS, as through August 11th we have registered almost 33,600 swimmers, trailing only the 1997 total of 34,300 with several months left in the registration year. Based upon the requests for more registration cards from almost every LMSC registrar, this success is widespread throughout the country. Already in 1998, 21 LMSCs are ahead of 1997's full year totals, while another 17 LMSCs are within 10% of last year. Colorado leads the way, up 23.6% or 179 swimmers, while Wisconsin is 20% ahead of last year and tops 300 registered swimmers for the first time ever. We've learned a lot in the 8 years we have served as USMS National Registrar and appreciate all the help and support we have received.

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