Planning Committee

Friday September 26, 1997

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Committee members present: George Cunningham, Kathy Keffer-Sharpe, Irene David, Jim Matysek, Betsy Durrant, Bill Black, Joan Alexander, Skip Thompson.

Follow-up reports on prior issues were addressed.

The USMS Foundation has officially been put into place and is now able to accept bequests.

A membership age profile was presented by Bill Black. Since he started keeping records on our growth, we have shown a steady increase. In 1993, we were at a 56.5% rate of retention, and now, in 1997, we are up to a 68% rate of retention. The highest retention rate was in Virginia, with 79.5%. It was noted that Pacific ranks in the top half nationally as to retention. In the survey that Tom Lyndon produced, retention was one of the top issues.

USMS Commemorative Stamp was reported on by Stan Prazer of Allegheny. Stan reported that Congressman Phil English from District 21 of Pennsylvania has sponsored a bill in the House of Representatives entitled "The Masters Swimming Commemorative Stamp Act." The bill is House Bill #155. To help with the passage of this bill, the Committee requested that everyone contact their Representative and ask that he or she support this bill. Stan also raised the possibility of getting a commemorative coin issued in future.

Facilitator Forum: The review from the forum was passed out and will also be made available at the House of Delegates meeting. Attendance was good, and lively discussion was stimulated which has continued throughout the convention meetings.

USMS "HOT LIST" Survey: Tom Lyndon's survey gave us results on how we feel about retention, rank and file, volunteers, coaches, promotion, web surfing, venues, officials, USMS organization, and certification. 135 people responded to the 264 surveys that were mailed. The 135 represent 63% of the approximate 200 attendees. Results of the survey were mailed to each delegate, and additional copies are available.

ACTION ITEM: Ad Hoc Computer On-Line Committee: Chairman Jim Matysek submitted a proposal to make this a standing committee. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to submit this proposal to the Legislation Committee to be voted on by the House of Delegates.

ACTION ITEM: Ad Hoc Executive Director/Business Manager Committee: Chairman Betsy Durrant reported on the committee's progress. Over the past two years, surveys, mailings, and workshops at convention have addressed this issue and stimulated much varied discussion. Viewpoints are diverse and often strong, and this was once again evident during our meeting. The Executive Committee, represented by Jim Miller and Stephanie Walsh, presented a proposal which they had drafted as a body earlier this convention. It proposed the institution of the position and delineated a job description, as well as a salary package. After much discussion, the Planning Committee decided to recommend that the spirit of this proposal be submitted to the Legislation Committee for presentation to the House of Delegates. This motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously. It was further proposed that Nancy Miller and Betsy Durrant meet with both the current and the new Executive Committees for their input.

Nancy thanked the committee members for their help and support. The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Keffer-Sharpe

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