Breadbasket Zone Meeting

September 26, 1997

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Leo Letendre, Ozark LMSC, Zone Chairman
Laura Kessler, Ozark
Betty Ann Levine, Ozark
Marie Kreipe, Missouri Valley
Anna Lea Roof, Missouri Valley
Peggy Buchanan, Colorado
Jack Buchanan, Colorado
MelanieDullea, Colorado
Bill Koerber, Colorado
Sarah Hromada, Minnesota
Paul Windrath, Minnesota
Mary Beth Windrath, Minnesota

It was noted that the following LMSCs were not represented: Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Midwestern. It was further noted that attendance would have been drastically improved if the Zone's previous requests for a Zone Jet had been granted.

Breadbasket Zone Meet

The Breadbasket Zone Meet will be hosted by Minnesota on April 18 & 19, 1998, at the University of Minnesota Aquatic Center.

The Committee decided to adopt an informal rotation for the location of the Breadbasket Zone Meet. The rotation was based upon the locations of the zone meets for the past six years. Other Breadbasket Zone LMSCs will be included in the rotation, if they so request. The following rotation was adopted:

North Dakota
Missouri Valley

Breadbasket Zone Chairman

Leo Letendre was re-elected to the position of Breadbasket Zone Chairman.

Breadbasket Zone Treasurer

Sarah Hromada, Zone Treasurer, reported that the Breadbasket Zone bank account balance currently contains $752.54. She reported that only two LMSCs had submitted their dues so far this year. (The dues are $0.25 per swimmer registered as of September 1 of each year.) Leo Letendre agreed to send out a reminder to all LMSCs.

Submitted by Anna Lea Roof

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